Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm Pregnant....AGAIN!!!

So, I ended up here today...somehow, not really sure...but realized that not only have I not updated since I was pregnant with Dixie, but that I haven't updated since finding out i'm pregnant again!!!!

So, back in December we found out we were pregnant again. It was a HUGE surprise!!!! I can't say we were expecting it, or trying or anything, but God blesses us all in mysterious and unexpected ways. So, here we are...pregnant again. Currently I am 27 weeks and a few days. I'll be turning into 28 weeks this week. So, thus far we know it's a girl and that she is VERY healthy. We're going to name her Jadyn Mahan Humble. The Jadyn I just found one day online and LOVED it. Then, the Mahan is in honor of my grandmother. It was her maiden name before she became a Carter. She isn't doing very well, and I really wanted to honor her influence on my life, and the love she gives. I don't know how much she will be able to give Jadyn, so I wanted her to have a part in her life some how. (tears)

Anyway, this pregnancy has been everything BUT normal. Beginning in February I started having seizure like events or episodes or spells. I would begin to get a little dizzy or just feel slowed down. This eventually got bigger, lasted longer, and were more so like black outs. I never actually fell out or blacked out or anything...it was like mental black outs. I wouldn't have a clue as to what is going on. They started lasting longer, until I was mentally out of it for up to four hours at a time. When they hit a peak, February 19th, I had five a day!!!! That was almost 20 hours out of it a day! So, you can imagine how the doctors flipped. I ended up in the hospital for the weekend...and lots of nurses got to see it. What fun, right!? Wrong!!!

They did release me from the hospital, but pulled me from work. I went through some crazy number of tests...first, they ruled out seizures. A great neurologist checked me out and said it wasn't seizures. From there a cardiologists. She said it wasn't my heart...which is always nice to have a good heart check out. After that we were looking at getting admitted into Duke or MUSC. I had one last hope-->the high risk OB. Dr. Browne saved us from a crazy continuation of tests. He diagnosed it as A-typical migraines. Not only A-typical of a migraine...but A-typical of A-typical! They're REALLY abnormal! They compared my brain to a computer. When all these programs start running at once, it's just too much. So, the computer (my brain) starts closing down programs one at a time. Except instead of Word closing down, it was the "you can see straight" program, "balance", "you can read" programs...stuff like that. It was really bad to think these programs were shutting down. But, it made us feel better that we knew what it was. We started on medication for migraines....imitrex. I take one when I start feeling it come on, and it speeds up the computer shut down program. Instead of nicely closing each "program", it's like pushing the power button instead! haha! Anyway, I can take 1-2 pills each spell and have up to 6 a day. The nightmare has been getting back to work, and trying to keep enough pills on hand...because insurance won't give them up.

So, that's the update. I will be better about it this time and post ultrasound pics once we see more next week!