Friday, February 6, 2009

3-D ultrasounds!!!

HEY! we had our first 3-D ultrasound yesterday! These just amaze me. I will say that I wish we had our regular ultrasound tech yesterday, but the picture of my beatiful baby will just have to do! My normal tech really likes to look at Dixie with us. She works around, tries to get her to move around and gives me TONS of pictures. Because I'm rotating through doctors right now, I had to see a different tech yesterday. She clearly just "does her job" and gets it done quickly. Oh well, these are the greatest pictures yet.

So, we're thinking.....she looks like me more than Joey! Or maybe that's just what I think...I'm going to look for some baby pictures of both of us to post next week and then we'll take a vote! I just think she looks more like me because I have a shorter, chubbier nose. I also have a rounder face than Joey. So, Dixie is definitely showing a little round face with a chubby little nose and pursy lips. Ain't she cute!!!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm getting BIG!!!

So, last night Joey and I finally tried to catch up on our pictures. The last picture we took was at 20 weeks, and I'm not 29 weeks! Opps! I think I was a little nervous to take pictures after many interesting comments over the weekend. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE family....but, when you don't see them that often and some of the first comments are "YOU ARE SOOOO BIG!" "YOU'VE DOUBLED IN SIZE SINCE CHRISTMAS!" "YOU MUST BE CARRYING TWINS, YOU'RE JUST TOO BIG FOR ONLY ONE!" your self esteem drops just a little bit. Like Poppy keeps telling me, "you're pregnant! You're gonna get big, duh!". I just wish everyone else would be a little nicer. I've only gained 12 pounds through the whole thing now, and when I got the last four last week you would have thought I'd gained ten and not even been pregnant. I took it hard. Anyway, there's all the reasons why I haven't had pictures done.

So, now that I did see the, I am big! Not to say all those people that have said such nice things to me have a right to do so. BUT, I didn't realize I was as big as I am. To see yourself in pictures is a WHOLE new thing! At least we know Dixie is doing well, and is growing, healthy, and all that good stuff. Now, it's just a matter of a few more weeks!

We're really getting excited! Joey even got a little teary eyed last night watching "Baby Story"! He says just thinking about holding his daughter for the first time tears him up with so much emotion. He's going to be a GREAT daddy! I can't wait to give him the greatest gift any woman can give her husband!